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Convert RGB color matrix to R color


  green = NULL,
  blue = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  names = NULL,
  maxColorValue = NULL,
  keepNA = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,



numeric vector of red values; or RGB numeric matrix with rownames c("red","green","blue") in any order, with optional rowname "alpha"; or character strings with comma-separated rgb values, in format "100,20,10". The latter input is designed to handle web rgb values.


numeric vector, or when red is a matrix or comma-delimited character string, this parameter is ignored.


numeric vector, or when red is a matrix or comma-delimited character string, this parameter is ignored.


numeric vector, or when red is a matrix or comma-delimited character string, this parameter is ignored. Alpha values are always expected in range [0,1], even when maxColorValue is higher than 1. When alpha is FALSE, the alpha transparency is removed. When alpha is TRUE the original alpha transparency is retained without change. If supplying alpha as a numeric vector, use Inf to represent TRUE for alpha values to be kept without change, and use -1 or any negative number to indicate alpha values to remove from the output.


character, default NULL, with optional names to apply to output colors.


numeric maximum value for colors. If NULL then it defaults to 1 unless there are values above 1, in which case it defaults to 255.


logical whether to keep NA values, returning NA for any input where red, green, and/or blue are NA. If keepNA==FALSE then it substitutes 0 for any NA values.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output


Additional arguments are ignored.


character vector of R colors.


This function intends to augment the rgb function, which does not handle output from col2rgb. The goal is to handle multiple color conversions, e.g. rgb2col(grDevices::col2rgb("red")). This function also maintains alpha transparency when supplied.

The output is named either by names(red), rownames(red), or if supplied, the value of the parameter names.

Note that alpha is used to define alpha transparency, but has additional control over the output.

  • When alpha is FALSE then output colors will not have the alpha transparency, in hex form that means colors are in format "#RRGGBB" and not "#RRGGBBAA".

  • When alpha is TRUE the previous alpha transparency values are used without change.

  • When alpha is a numeric vector, numeric values are always expected to be in range [0,1], where 0 is completely transparent, and 1 is completely not transparent. Supplied alpha values will override those present in red when red is a matrix like that produced from grDevices::col2rgb(..., alpha=TRUE).

  • When alpha is a numeric vector, use -1 or any negative number to indicate the alpha value should be removed.

  • When alpha is a numeric vector, use Inf to indicate the alpha transparency should be retained without change.

Therefore, alpha = c(-1, 0, 1, Inf) will apply the following, in order: remove alpha; set alpha to 0; set alpha to 1; set alpha to the same as the input color.


# start with a color vector
# red and blue with partial transparency
colorV <- c("#FF000055", "#00339999");

# Show the output of rgb2col
# make sure to include alpha=TRUE to maintain alpha transparency
grDevices::col2rgb(colorV, alpha=TRUE);
#>       [,1] [,2]
#> red    255    0
#> green    0   51
#> blue     0  153
#> alpha   85  153

# confirm we can convert from RGB back to the same colors
rgb2col(grDevices::col2rgb(colorV, alpha=TRUE));
#> [1] "#FF000055" "#00339999"