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Blend multiple colors


  preset = c("ryb", "none", "dichromat", "rgb", colorjam_presets()),
  h1 = NULL,
  h2 = NULL,
  do_plot = FALSE,
  lens = 0,
  c_weight = 0.2,
  c_floor = 12,
  apply_alpha = FALSE,
  flatten_alpha = FALSE,
  bg = NULL,



character vector of R colors in hex format, or list of color vectors, where each vector will be independently blended.


character value indicating the color wheel preset, default "ryb" for red-yellow-blue paint-like color blending. It is passed to colorjam::h2hwOptions(), and permits any value returned by colorjam_presets().


logical indicating whether to depict the color blend operation using jamba::showColors().


numeric value used to influence the color saturation after averaging color wheel angles.


numeric value used to weight the average color chroma (saturation) using the mean chroma values of the input colors. When c_weight=0 the chroma uses the radius returned by the mean color wheel angle.


numeric value indicating the C chroma HCL value below which a color is considered to be "grey" and unsaturated. When this happens, the hue contribution is set to 0.001 relative to other colors being blended. This correction is done because every color is assigned one H hue value in HCL, even when the C chroma (saturation) is zero, therefore these colors effectively have no H hue.


logical default TRUE, whether to apply alpha transparency to the output color. In other words, if the input colors are transparent, the output will also contain transparency when apply_alpha=TRUE.


logical default FALSE, whether to "flatten" the color transparency by blending with the current background color, defined by bg. This argument is only used when apply_alpha=TRUE.


character default NULL, used to define the default background color, used only when flatten_alpha=TRUE. When NULL, it checks for an open graphics device with dev.list() and if open it open it uses par("bg"). However if no graphics device is open, it does not call par("bg") because that would open a new graphics device. Therefore when no graphics device is open, NULL is converted to "white" background.


additional arguments are ignored.


character vector with blended color; when input x is a list the returned vector will have length length(x).


This function is intended to blend two or more colors, by default using "paint mixing" style, similar to subtractive color mixing. It accomplishes this goal by using a red-yellow-blue color wheel (very similar to cyan-yellow-magenta), then determines the average color hue with appropriate loss of color saturation.

The process creates a unit vector for each color, whose length is scaled relative to the saturation and alpha transparency, with maximum length=1. The average angle of these unit vectors is used as the final color hue, and the distance from origin is used to derive the new color chroma (similar to saturation). The end goal is for blue-yellow to make green, blue-red to make purple, and red-yellow to make orange. Current RGB color blending fails at least one of these criteria.

This approach enables blending more than two colors, which is fairly unique for color functions in R. Note that the approach, when used to blend multiple very different colors, tends to "muddy" the output color, similar to using finger paints. Eventually if you add enough colors, it turns "bleh".

New transparency arguments in

  • apply_alpha=TRUE will return a color with appropriate alpha transparency based upon the input colors. For example, blending red with red should always produce red. However, blending 50% transparent red with 50% transparent red should produce 75% transparent red. In effect, the redness should build with more layers of transparent red.

  • flatten_alpha=TRUE (default is FALSE) will flatten a transparent blended color to the background, which is useful for situations where the alpha transparency would be ignored. In other words, 34% transparent red would be flattened to "#FFAAAAFF" and should appear nearly identical to "#FF000057" in R plots.

  • color wheel red-yellow-blue, subtractive color mixing

  • can blend more than two colors at once

  • accounts for transparency of individual colors

The basic design guide was to meet these expectations:

  • red + yellow = orange

  • blue + yellow = green

  • red + blue = purple

  • blue + red + yellow = some brown/gray substance

The input x can be a vector of colors, or a list. When x is a list then the unique vectors are blended, returning a vector with length length(x).

The default additive color mixing, with red-green-blue colors used in electronic monitors, does not meet these criteria. (In no logical paint mixing exercise would someone expect that mixing red and green would make yellow; or that blue and yellow would make grey.)

In general the function performs well, with some exceptions where the color hue angle is not well-normalized opposite its complementary color, and therefore does not make the expected "brownish/grey" output. Examples include blend_colors(c("yellow", "purple")) which is closer to blue + yellow = green, because purple is also composed of blue with some red. Indeed, the R color hue for purple is 283; the hue for blue is 266; the hue for red is 12 (372); which means purple is substantially closer to blue than red. A suitable workaround in this case is to use blend_colors(c("yellow", "deeppink4")).


blend_colors(c("red", "yellow"), do_plot=TRUE)

#> [1] "#E9AC7EFF"

blend_colors(c("blue", "gold"), do_plot=TRUE)

#> [1] "#10A376FF"

blend_colors(c("dodgerblue", "firebrick2"), do_plot=TRUE)

#> [1] "#CC57C3FF"

blend_colors(c("green", "dodgerblue"), do_plot=TRUE)

#> [1] "#00D8DDFF"

blend_colors(c("red", "gold", "blue"), do_plot=TRUE)

#> [1] "#B07A9BFF"

blend_colors(c("deeppink2", "yellow"), do_plot=TRUE)

#> [1] "#D5B09EFF"

blend_colors(c("blue4", "darkorange1"), do_plot=TRUE)

#> [1] "#8D4B69FF"

blend_colors(c("#FF000040", "#FF000080"), do_plot=TRUE)
#> [1] "#FF0000FF"
title(main=paste0("blend identical transparent colors\n",
   "returning transparent colors\n"))

blend_colors(c("#FF000040", "#FF000080"), do_plot=TRUE, flatten_alpha=TRUE)
#> [1] "#FF0000FF"
title(main=paste0("blend identical transparent colors\n",
   "then flatten alpha transparency\n(same visual result)"))

blend_colors(list(c("red", "yellow"), c("blue", "gold")), do_plot=FALSE)
#> [1] "#E9AC7EFF" "#10A376FF"