Core colorjam functionsMost frequently used colorjam functions |
Blend multiple colors |
Find the closest R color |
Closest colorjam named_colors |
Create color complement by rotating the color hue |
Convert colors to data.frame of color attributes |
Assign colors to vector of group labels |
rainbow categorical colors using varied luminance and chroma |
Sort a vector of colors using one or more color attributes |
Subset a vector of colors using one or more color attributes |
Colorjam dataJam linear and divergent gradient data |
Jam Divergent Color Gradients |
Jam Linear Color Gradients |
Colorjam named_colors |
Colorjam R-shiny functionsThe Colorjam R-shiny App |
Colorjam R-shiny app server |
Colorjam R-shiny app UI |
Colorjam R-shiny App |
Colorjam ggplot2 functionsFunctions that apply colorjam to ggplot2 objects |
Jam color palette for ggplot2 |
Apply rainbowJam categorical colors to a ggplot2 object |
Apply rainbowJam categorical color fill to a ggplot2 object |
Jam default theme for ggplot2 |
Colorjam gradientsFunctions to create and manipulate linear and divergent color gradients |
Divergent color interpolation function with adjustable range and floor |
Linear color interpolation function with adjustable range, baseline, and floor |
Make divergent color gradient |
Create two-step linear gradient |
Colorjam assignmentFunctions that assign colors to numeric vector or matrix data, or to character vectors |
Divergent color interpolation function with adjustable range and floor |
Linear color interpolation function with adjustable range, baseline, and floor |
Assign colors to vector of group labels |
Convert numeric matrix to heatmap colors |
Rainbow categorical colors across multiple groups |
Apply color gradient to numeric values |
Get vibrant reference color for a given HCL color hue |
Colorjam displayFunctions to display colors for visual review |
Show colors spread around a pie chart |
Show colors using dichromat color blindness adjustment |
Colorjam hue warpFunctions to adjust hue color wheel for RGB, RYB, dichromat and other specifics |
Add colorjam hue warp preset |
Add colorjam chroma/luminance step |
Adjust the color hue warp effect |
Interpolation for degree angles |
Colorjam hue warp presets |
Colorjam chroma/luminance steps |
Display degree angles around a unit circle |
Convert standard hue to warped virtual hue |
Get hue color warp options |
Convert HCL hue to HSL hue |
Convert HSL hue to HCL hue |
Convert warped virtual hue to standard hue |
Calculate the mean angle |
Plot colorjam preset |
Remap colors to a new colorjam preset |
Validate h1,h2 color hue warp data |
Colorjam deprecated functionsFunctions to be removed in future versions |
rainbow categorical colors using varied luminance and chroma |