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Calculate the mean angle


mean_angle(x, w = NULL, do_plot = FALSE, lens = -5, ...)



numeric vector of angles in degrees


numeric vector representing weights


logical indicating whether to create a visual summary plot


numeric value passed to jamba::warpAroundZero() to adjust the radius


additional arguments are ignored


numeric vector that contains

  • degree the mean angle in degrees

  • radius the actual radius based upon mean unit vectors

  • radius2 the adjusted radius using jamba::warpAroundZero()


This function takes a vector of angles in degrees (0 to 360 degrees) and returns the mean angle based upon the average of unit vectors.

The function also optionally accomodates weighted mean values, if a vector of weights is supplied as w.

Part of the intent of this function is to be used for color blending methods, for example taking the average color hue from a vector of colors. For this purpose, some colors may have varying color saturation and transparency, which are mapped here as weight w. Colors which are fully transparent should therefore have weight w=0 so they do not contribute to the resulting average color hue. Also during color blending operations, the resulting color saturation is adjusted using the lens argument, the default lens=-5 has a tendency to increase intermediate color saturation.


mean_angle(c(120, 45), do_plot=TRUE);

#>        deg     radius    radius2 
#> 82.5000000  0.7933533  0.8944940