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Xlsx Conditional formatting


  sheet = 1,
  fcColumns = NULL,
  fcGrep = NULL,
  fcStyle = c("#4F81BD", "#EEECE1", "#C0504D"),
  fcRule = c(-6, 0, 6),
  fcType = "colourScale",
  lfcColumns = NULL,
  lfcGrep = NULL,
  lfcStyle = c("#4F81BD", "#EEECE1", "#C0504D"),
  lfcRule = c(-3, 0, 3),
  lfcType = "colourScale",
  hitColumns = NULL,
  hitGrep = NULL,
  hitStyle = c("#4F81BD", "#EEECE1", "#C0504D"),
  hitRule = c(-1.5, 0, 1.5),
  hitType = "colourScale",
  intColumns = NULL,
  intGrep = NULL,
  intStyle = c("#EEECE1", "#FDC99B", "#F77F30"),
  intRule = c(0, 100, 10000),
  intType = "colourScale",
  numColumns = NULL,
  numGrep = NULL,
  numStyle = c("#F2F0F7", "#B4B1D4", "#938EC2"),
  numRule = c(1, 10, 20),
  numType = "colourScale",
  pvalueColumns = NULL,
  pvalueGrep = NULL,
  pvalueStyle = c("#F77F30", "#FDC99B", "#EEECE1"),
  pvalueRule = c(0, 0.01, 0.05),
  pvalueType = "colourScale",
  verbose = FALSE,
  startRow = 2,
  overwrite = TRUE,



character filename to a file with ".xlsx" extension, or Workbook object defined in the openxlsx package. When xlsxFile is a Workbook the output is not saved to a file.


integer or character, either the worksheet number, in order or character worksheet name. This vector can contain multiple values, which will cause conditional formatting to be applied to each worksheet in the order given.

fcColumns, lfcColumns, hitColumns, intColumns, numColumns, pvalueColumns

integer column indices, or character colnames indicating which columns are to be treated as each of the various column types.

fcGrep, lfcGrep, hitGrep, intGrep, numGrep, pvalueGrep

optional character vector which is used by provigrep to colnames(x). This process may be more convenient to apply formatting to known colname character patterns, rather than supplying exact column indices or colnames.

fcStyle, lfcStyle, hitStyle, intStyle, numStyle, pvalueStyle

color vector of length=3, corresponding to the numeric thresholds defined by the corresponding Rules.

fcRule, lfcRule, hitRule, intRule, numRule, pvalueRule

numeric vector of length=3, used to define three numeric thresholds for color gradients to be applied.

fcType, lfcType, hitType, intType, numType, pvalueType

character string indicating the type of conditional rule to apply, which in most cases should be "colourScale" which allows three numeric thresholds, and three corresponding colors. For other allowed values, see openxlsx::conditionalFormatting().


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


integer indicating which row to begin applying conditional formatting. In most cases startRow=2, which allows one row for column headers. However, if there are multiple header rows, startRow should be 1 more than the number of header rows.


logical indicating whether the original 'Excel' files will be replaced with the new one, or whether a new file will be created.


additional parameters are ignored.


Workbook object as defined by the openxlsx package is returned invisibly with invisible(). This Workbook can be used in argument wb to provide a speed boost when saving multiple sheets to the same file.


This function is a convenient wrapper for applying conditional formatting to 'Excel' 'xlsx' worksheets, with reasonable settings for commonly used data types.

Note that this function does not apply cell formatting, such as numeric formatting as displayed in 'Excel'.

A description of column types follows:


Fold change, typically positive and negative values, which are formatted to show one decimal place, and use commas to separate thousands places, e.g. 1,020.1. Colors are applied with a neutral midpoint, coloring values which are above and below zero.


log fold change, typically positive and negative values, which are formatted to show one decimal place, and use commas to separate thousands places, e.g. 12.1. Colors are applied with a neutral midpoint, coloring values which are above and below zero. Log fold changes have slightly different color thresholds than fold changes.


Hit columns, often just values like c(-1,0,1), but which could be fold changes for statistical hits for example. They are formatted to show one decimal place, and use commas to separate thousands places, e.g. 1.5. Colors are applied with a neutral midpoint, coloring values which are above and below zero, typically with a fairly low threshold.


Integer columns, which are formatted to hide decimal place values even if present, which can help clean up visible tabular data. They are formatted to use commas to separate thousands places, e.g. 1,020. Colors are applied with a baseline of zero, intended for highlighting two thresholds of values above zero.


Numeric columns, which are formatted to display 2 decimal places, and to use commas to separate thousands places, e.g. 1,020.1. Colors are applied with a baseline of zero, intended for highlighting two thresholds of values above zero.


P-value columns, which are formatted to display scientific notation always, for consistency, with two decimal places, e.g. 1.02e-02. Colors are applied starting at white for P-value of 1 (non-significant) and becoming more red as the P-value approaches 0.01, then 0.0001.

For each column type, one can describe the column using integer indices, or colnames, or optionally use the Grep parameters. The Grep parameters are intended for pattern matching, and may contain a vector of grep patterns which are used by provigrep() to match to colnames. The Grep method is particularly useful when applying conditional formatting for multiple worksheets in the same 'xlsx' file, where the colnames are not identical in each worksheet.

Each column type has an associated 3-threshold rule, and three associated colors. In order to apply different thresholds, one would need to call this function multiple times, specifying different subsets of columns corresponding to each set of thresholds. The same process is required in order to apply different color gradients to different columns. Note that styles are by default "stacked", which maintains font and cell border styles without removing them. However, it this "stacking" means that applying two rules to the same cell will not work, since only the first rule will be applied by 'Microsoft Excel'. Interestingly, if multiple conditional rules are applied to the same cell, they will be visible in order inside the 'Microsoft Excel' application.


# write to tempfile for examples
if (check_pkg_installed("openxlsx")) {
   out_xlsx <- tempfile(pattern="writeOpenxlsx_", fileext=".xlsx")
   df <- data.frame(a=LETTERS[1:5], b=1:5);

      intStyle=c("#FFFFFF", "#1E90FF", "#9932CC")