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Rename columns in a data.frame, matrix, tibble, or GRanges object


renameColumn(x, from, to, verbose = FALSE, ...)



data.frame, matrix, tbl, or GRanges equivalent object. It will work on any object for which colnames() is defined.


character vector of colnames expected to be in x. Any values that do not match colnames(x) are ignored.


character vector with length(to) == length(from) corresponding to the target name for any colnames that match from.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


Additional arguments are ignored.


data.frame or object equivalent to the input x, with columns from renamed to values in to. For genomic ranges objects such as GRanges and IRanges, the colnames are updated in S4Vectors::values(x).


This function is intended to rename one or more columns in a data.frame, matrix, tibble, or GRanges related object. It will gracefully ignore columns which do not match, in order to make it possible to call the function again without problem.

This function will also recognize input objects GRanges, ucscData, and IRanges, which store annotation in DataFrame accessible via S4Vectors::values(). Note the IRanges package is required, for its generic function values().

The values supplied in to and from are converted from factor to character to avoid coersion by R to integer, which was noted in output prior to jamba version


df <- data.frame(A=1:5, B=6:10, C=11:15);
#>   A  B  C
#> 1 1  6 11
#> 2 2  7 12
#> 3 3  8 13
#> 4 4  9 14
#> 5 5 10 15
df2 <- renameColumn(df,
   to=c("a_new", "c_new"));
#>   a_new  B c_new
#> 1     1  6    11
#> 2     2  7    12
#> 3     3  8    13
#> 4     4  9    14
#> 5     5 10    15
df3 <- renameColumn(df2,
   to=c("a_new", "c_new","b_new"));
#>   a_new b_new c_new
#> 1     1     6    11
#> 2     2     7    12
#> 3     3     8    13
#> 4     4     9    14
#> 5     5    10    15