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Produce smooth scatter plot, a helper function called by plotSmoothScatter().


  y = NULL,
  nbin = 256,
  colramp = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("white", "lightblue", "blue", "orange",
  nrpoints = 100,
  pch = ".",
  cex = 1,
  col = "black",
  transformation = function(x) x^0.25,
  postPlotHook = graphics::box,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  add = FALSE,
  xaxs = graphics::par("xaxs"),
  yaxs = graphics::par("yaxs"),
  xaxt = graphics::par("xaxt"),
  yaxt = graphics::par("yaxt"),
  useRaster = NULL,



numeric vector, or data matrix with two or more columns.


numeric vector, or if data is supplied via x as a matrix, y is NULL.


integer number of bins to use when converting the kernel density result (which uses bandwidthN above) into a usable image. For example, nbin=123 is the default used by graphics::smoothScatter(), however the plotSmoothScatter() function default is higher (256).


numeric vector used to define the y- and x-axis bandwidths, respectively, passed to KernSmooth::bkde2D(), which calculates the underlying 2-dimensional kernel density. The plotSmoothScatter() function was motivated by never wanting to define this number directly, instead auto-calculation suitable values.


function that takes one numeric argument and returns that integer number of colors, by default 256.


integer number of outlier datapoints to display, as defined by graphics::smoothScatter(), however the default here is nrpoints=0 to avoid additional clutter in the output, and because the default argument bandwidthN usually indicates all individual points.


integer point shape used when nrpoints>0.


numeric point size expansion factor used when nrpoints>0.


character R color used when nrpoints>0.


function which converts point density to a number, typically related to square root or cube root transformation.


function or NULL, NULL default. When function is supplied, it is called after producing the image. By default it is simply used to draw a box around the image, but could be used to layer additional information atop the image plot, for example contours, labels, etc.


character x-axis label


character y-axis label


numeric x-axis range for the plot


numeric y-axis range for the plot


logical whether to add to an existing active R plot, or create a new plot window.


character value compatible with graphics::par("xaxs"), mainly useful for suppressing the x-axis, in order to produce a custom x-axis range, most useful to restrict the axis range expansion done by R by default.


character value compatible with graphics::par("yaxs"), mainly useful for suppressing the y-axis, in order to produce a custom y-axis range, most useful to restrict the axis range expansion done by R by default.


character value compatible with graphics::par("xaxt"), mainly useful for suppressing the x-axis, in order to produce a custom x-axis by other mechanisms, e.g. log-scaled x-axis tick marks.


character value compatible with graphics::par("yaxt"), mainly useful for suppressing the y-axis, in order to produce a custom y-axis by other mechanisms, e.g. log-scaled y-axis tick marks.


NULL or logical indicating whether to invoke graphics::rasterImage() to produce a raster image. If NULL, it determines whether to produce a raster image within the imageDefault() function, which checks the options using getOption("preferRaster", FALSE) to determine among other things, whether the user prefers raster images, and if the grDevices::dev.capabilities() supports raster.


additional arguments are passed to imageDefault() and optionally to plotPlotHook() when supplied.


list of elements sufficient to call graphics::image(), also by default this function is called for the byproduct of creating a figure.


For general purposes, use plotSmoothScatter() as a replacement for graphics::smoothScatter(), which produces better default settings for pixel size and density bandwidth.

This function is only necessary in order to override the graphics::smoothScatter() function which calls graphics::image.default(). Instead, this function calls imageDefault() which is required in order to utilize custom raster image scaling, particularly important when the x- and y-axis ranges are not similar, e.g. where the x-axis spans 10 units, but the y-axis spans 10,000 units.

See also


x1 <- rnorm(1000);
y1 <- (x1 + 5)* 4  + rnorm(1000);
smoothScatterJam(x=x1, y=y1, bandwidth=c(0.05, 0.3))