This function is intended to be a very rapid method to sort colors, based upon hue, then chroma descending, then luminance descending.

  sort_by = c("h", "-c", "-l"),
  c_min = 4,
  grey_hue = 359,
  hue_offset = 0,


x <- jamba::nameVector(colors());

## Basic color sort
c2 <- sort_colors(x);
jamba::showColors(c2, main="cmin=4");

## Increase filtering of unsaturated colors
c3 <- sort_colors(x, c_min=20);
jamba::showColors(c3, main="cmin=20");

## Increase filtering of unsaturated colors
c4 <- sort_colors(x, c_min=50);
jamba::showColors(c4, main="cmin=50");