Import Nanostring RLF file for a codeset

  plot_type = c("table", "list", "none"),
  color_sub = c(Endogenous = "darkorange", Positive = "greenyellow", Negative =
    "firebrick3", Housekeeping = "gold", Binding = "steelblue4", Purification =
    "steelblue2", Reserved = "mediumpurple1", ClassDate = "blue", ClassName_count =
  desat = c(0.2, 0.4),



character path to a Nanostring RLF file


character string passed to design2colors() to define colors for the Class data. Use plot_type="none" to suppress plotting the colot table.

color_sub, desat

arguments passed to design2colors().


additional arguments are passed to design2colors().


SummarizedExperiment object


This function partially parses and imports data encoded in RLF file format by Nanostring for a particular Nanostring codeset. This file often includes information that links each probe to a "Class", which is then associated with other helpful information:

  • "ClassKey" - usually an integer unique identifier

  • "ClassName" - character string label for each ClassKey

  • "ClassActive" - integer value indicating the activity of probe for downstream stats.

  • "ClassDate" - the date associated with each class, usually identical for all classes in one codeset.

  • "ClassSource" - optional field describing the origin of each class

  • "ClassPreparer" - optional tool used to prepare classes in the RLF file

The most useful fields for downstream analysis are:

  • "ClassName" - which contains:

    • "Positive", "Negative" for the positive and negative control probes

    • "Endogenous" for the intended biological measurements, usually in the form of genes, transcripts, or miRNAs.

    • "Housekeeping" for the intended low-variance conrol measurements, usually in the form of genes, transcripts, miRNAs that are known or expected to have stable expression across the experiment conditions.

    • "Binding", "Purification", "Reserved" describe technical features beyond the scope of most analysis work.

  • "ClassActive" - which contains:

    • 2 - a value that links "Endogenous" and "Housekeeping" above, though this value is not associated with another label described in the RLF file.

    • 1 - a value that links "Binding", "Purification", "Reserved"

    • 3 - a value that links "Positive" and "Negative" as control spike-in probes on the codeset