(IN DEV) Make coverage heatmaps using a simple set of config options

nmathm_row_order(HM, ...)



list output from nmatlist2heatmaps() that is expected to contain at least one list element named "HM_drawn" or "draw", with "HM_drawn" used first if present. Either object is also expected to contain slotName ht_list which represents the HeatmapList. Among the heatmaps in the HeatmapList, the first with class "Heatmap" that is not named "cluster" will be used, since "cluster" is the name of the heatmap used to represent k-means or other clustering output to partition rows.


additional arguments are ignored.


list of rownames, where each list represents one row_slice used in the heatmap, as defined by nmatlist2heatmaps() arguments partition or k_clusters.


This function is still in development and is not yet active.

This function is intended as a wrapper function which calls nmatlist2heatmaps() in a more organized way.

The config_df is a data.frame with one row per coverage heatmap to produce, and all options associated with that heatmap are stored on the same row of the data.frame.

  • file: character file path to the coverage matrix file

  • name: character string used as a name, used in difference calculations

  • label: character string used as a label above each heatmap

  • display: logical indicating whether to display each heatmap

  • group: character string indicating a panel group, used to share certain settings across groups of heatmap panels. When this value is not defined, each heatmap is defined as its own group.

  • color: character string that refers to a specific color gradient, or a comma-delimited series of colors to use as a color gradient. See below for details.

  • ceiling: numeric used to define the maximum numeric value applied to the color gradient, default=0.7

  • ylim: numeric used to define a fixed y-axis range used for the profile plot atop each heatmap. When this value is absent or NA the maximum y-axis value for the group is used.

  • control: character string that defines an optional control name used to subtract coverage from this row.


Colors can be define one of a few ways:

  • name of a color gradient

  • name of a single color

  • comma-delimited colors, either as color names, or as hex colors in the format #FFAABB.

Color gradients from RColorBrewer are recognized. You can view

  • linear color gradients: RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all(type="seq")

  • divergent color gradients: RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all(type="div")

Color gradients are also recognized from viridis, however these are only linear: viridis::inferno(), viridis::magma(), viridis::plasma() viridis::cividis(),viridis::viridis().

See also
