Make multiple coverage heatmaps

  panel_groups = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  upstream_length = NULL,
  downstream_length = NULL,
  k_clusters = 0,
  k_subset = NULL,
  k_colors = NULL,
  k_width = grid::unit(5, "mm"),
  k_method = c("euclidean", "pearson", "correlation"),
  k_heatmap = main_heatmap,
  partition = NULL,
  rows = NULL,
  row_order = NULL,
  nmat_colors = NULL,
  middle_color = "white",
  nmat_names = NULL,
  main_heatmap = 1,
  anno_df = NULL,
  byCols = NULL,
  color_sub = NULL,
  anno_row_marks = NULL,
  anno_row_labels = NULL,
  top_annotation = NULL,
  top_anno_height = grid::unit(3, "cm"),
  top_axis_side = c("right"),
  legend_max_ncol = 2,
  legend_base_nrow = 5,
  legend_max_labels = 40,
  show_heatmap_legend = TRUE,
  hm_nrow = 1,
  transform = "none",
  signal_ceiling = NULL,
  axis_name = NULL,
  axis_name_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 8),
  axis_name_rot = 90,
  column_title_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 12),
  lens = -2,
  anno_lens = 8,
  pos_line = FALSE,
  seed = 123,
  ht_gap = grid::unit(3, "mm"),
  profile_value = c("mean", "sum", "abs_mean", "abs_sum"),
  ylims = NULL,
  border = TRUE,
  iter.max = 20,
  use_raster = TRUE,
  raster_quality = 1,
  raster_by_magick = TRUE,
  do_plot = TRUE,
  legend_width = grid::unit(3, "cm"),
  trim_legend_title = TRUE,
  heatmap_legend_param = NULL,
  annotation_legend_param = NULL,
  return_type = c("heatmaplist", "grid"),
  show_error = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,



list containing normalizedMatrix objects, usually the output from coverage_matrix2nmat().


integer number of k-means clusters to use to partition each heatmap. Use 0 or NULL for no clustering.


integer vector of k-means clusters to retain. Often one cluster contains mostly empty values, and can be removed using this mechanism.


vector of R colors, or NULL to use the output of colorjam::rainbowJam(k_clusters).


unit width of the k-means cluster color bar, used with k_clusters.


character string indicating the distance used by k-means, where the common default is "euclidean", however a useful alternative for sequence coverage data is "correlation" as implemented in amap::Kmeans().


integer indicating which one or more normalizedMatrix objects in nmatlist will be used for k-means clustering, when k_clusters is defined more than 1.


character or factor vector used to split rows of each matrix in nmatlist, named by rownames. This value is ignored when k_clusters is supplied.


character vector of rownames(nmatlist) or integer vector with index of rows to keep from each matrix in nmatlist.


integer vector used to order rows. When TRUE or NULL it uses the default for EnrichedHeatmap::EnrichedHeatmap() which is the EnrichedHeatmap::enriched_score() for the matrix main_heatmap. When FALSE the rows are ordered by the order they appear in rows, which is either the order they appear in nmatlist or the order after sorting anno_df. When TRUE the default


named character vector of R colors, to colorize each heatmap. When NULL then colorjam::rainbowJam() is used to create colors for each heatmap panel.


character R compatible color used when creating a divergent color gradient, this color is used as the middle color. Usually this color should be either "white" or "black".


character vector, or NULL, optional, used as custom names for each heatmap in nmatlist. When nmat_names=NULL the signal_name values are used from each nmatlist matrix.


integer index referring to the entry in nmatlist to use for clustering and row ordering.


data.frame or object that can be coerced, used to annotate rows of each matrix. It must have rownames(anno_df) that match rownames(nmatlist). When supplied, data can be sorted using byCols. Note that only the rownames(anno_df) present in both nmatlist and anno_df are used to display the heatmaps. These rows may also be subsetted using argument rows.


character vector of values in colnames(anno_df) used to sort the data.frame via jamba::mixedSortDF(). Any colname with prefix - will be reverse-sorted.


character vector of R colors to be used as categorical colors, whose names match items to be colored. This argument is intended for anno_df, for any column in anno_df where all values in that column are also in names(color_sub) will be colorized using color_sub instead of generating new colors. Also colors for partition and kmeans clusters, usually defined with k_colors can be defined in color_sub, if names(color_sub) match the partition labels.


character vector of rownames which will be labeled beside the heatmaps, using the ComplexHeatmap::anno_mark() method. It currently requires anno_df be defined, since it uses the first column in anno_df as a one-column heatmap, to anchor the labels.


character vector of optional character labels to use instead of rownames. If NULL then anno_row_marks are used. Or anno_row_labels may contain a character vector of colnames(anno_df) which will create labels by concatenating each column value separated by space " ".


HeatmapAnnotation or logical or list:

  • TRUE to use the default approach EnrichedHeatmap::anno_enriched()

  • FALSE to prevent the display of top annotation

  • HeatmapAnnotation which should be in the form ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(EnrichedHeatmap::anno_enriched()) or equivalent. This form is required for the annotation function to be called on each coverage matrix heatmap.

  • list of objects suitable to be passed as a top_annotation argument for each coverage heatmap, in order of nmatlist.


unit object to define the default height of the top_annotation. When top_annotation is not defined, the default method uses EnrichedHeatmap::anno_enriched() with height=top_anno_height.


character value indicating which side of the top annotation to place the y-axis labels. When there is one value, it is repeated to length(nmatlist), otherwise it is mainly used when panel_groups are provided, in which case only one top annotation is label per contiguous set of panels in the same panel group. In that case "left" will label the left side of the first panel in each group, "right" will label the right side of the last panel in each group. Values: "left", "right", "both", "none", "all".


integer number indicating the maximum number of columns allowed for a categorical color legend.


integer number indicating the base number of rows used for a categorical color legend, before additional columns are added. Once the number of elements exceeds (legend_max_ncol * legend_base_nrow) then rows are added, but columns never exceed legend_max_ncol.


integer to define the maximum labels to display as a color legend. When any anno_df column contains more than this number of categorical colors, the legend is not displayed (because it would prevent display of the heatmaps at all).


integer number of rows used to display the heatmap panels.


either character string referring to a numeric transformation, or a function that applies a numeric transformation. Valid character string values: "log2signed" applies jamba::log2signed() which applies log2(1+x) transform to the absolute value, then multiplies by the original sign(x); "sqrt" applies square root; "cubert" applies cube root x^(1/3); "qrt" applies fourth root x^(1/4). When there are negative numeric values, the transformation is applied to absolute value, then multiplied by the original sign. Therefore, the transformation is applied to adjust the magnitude of the values. These values are passed to get_numeric_transform() which may have more information.


numeric vector whose values are recycled to length length(nmatlist). The signal_ceiling applies a maximum numeric value to the color ramp for each matrix in nmatlist. The value is passed to get_nmat_ceiling(), which recognizes three numeric forms:

  • signal_ceiling > 1: this specific numeric value is applied as the ceiling

  • signal_ceiling > 0 and signal_ceiling <= 1: this numeric value is interpreted as a quantile threshold, for example signal_ceiling=0.75 would calculate ceiling quantile(x, probs=0.75).

  • signal_ceiling is NULL: the maximum absolute value of each matrix is used as the ceiling.

Note that the ceiling is only applied to color scale and not to the underlying data, which is useful to know because any clustering and row ordering steps will use the full data as needed.

If data needs to be strictly controlled to a numeric ceiling, that processing should take place on nmatlist before calling nmatlist2heatmaps().


x-axis label graphic parameters, as output from grid::gpar(). For example to define the x-axis font size, use the form grid::gpar(fontsize=8).


numeric value either 0 or 90 indicating whether to rotate the x-axis names, where 90 will rotate labels, and 0 will leave labels horizontal.


heatmap title graphic parameters, as output from grid::gpar(). For example to define the x-axis font size, use the form grid::gpar(fontsize=8). This argument is passed directly to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap().


numeric value used to scale each heatmap color ramp, using getColorRamp(). Values above zero apply the color gradient more rapidly starting from the lowest value, making the color appear more intense for lower numeric values. Values below zero apply the color gradient less rapidly, which makes lower numeric values appear less intense. This adjustment is intended to help apply suitable color contrast depending upon the range of numeric values. The lens values are applied to each matrix in nmatlist, and so it is recycled to length(nmatlist) as needed. Note that signal_ceiling is also intended to help apply the color gradient to a suitable numeric range, and the lens argument is applied relative to the numeric range being used.


numeric value used to scale the annotation heatmap color scales, see lens for details. Values higher than 1 make the color gradient more intense, values below -1 make the color gradient less intense.


numeric value used with set.seed() to set the random seed. Set to NULL to avoid running set.seed().


unit size to specify the gap between multiple heatmaps. This argument is passed to ComplexHeatmap::draw(). An example is grid::unit(8, "mm") to specify 8 millimeters.


character string to define the type of numeric profile to display at the top of each heatmap. This argument is passed to EnrichedHeatmap::anno_enriched(). Values: "mean" the mean profile; "sum" the sum; "abs_sum" sum of absolute values; "abs_mean" the mean of absolute values.


vector of maximum y-axis values for each heatmap profile; or list


logical indicating whether to draw a border around the heatmap, which includes all heatmap panels in the event of splitting by clustering. The border can be supplied as a vector, so the border can be applied specifically to each heatmap if needed.


integer value indicating the maximum iterations performed by k-means clustering, only relevant when k_clusters is non-zero.


logical indicating whether to create heatmaps using raster resizing, almost always recommended TRUE.


logical passed to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(), used when use_raster=TRUE and defines the level of detail retained, and is used only when raster_by_magick=FALSE. Using larger numbers decreases speed substantially.


logical passed to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(), to enable ImageMagick use during rasterization. By default this option is TRUE and is only disabled when the R package "magick" is not installed, or not properly configured. If you see a warning "instalilng 'magick' will improve rasterization" then check the R package with library(magick) and see if there are error messages. When "magick" is not available, the rasterization is substantially slower, and may produce files much larger than normal.


logical indicating whether to draw the heatmaps, where FALSE will return the data used to create heatmaps without actually drawing the heatmaps.


character string indicating the type of data to return: "heatmaplist" returns the list of heatmaps, which can separately be arranged together using ComplexHeatmap::draw() or grid::grid.draw().


logical indicating whether to add error bars to the profile plot at the top of each heatmap. These error bars are calculated by EnrichedHeatmap::anno_enriched() using matrixStats::colSds(x)/nrow(x).


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


additional arguments are passed to EnrichedHeatmap::EnrichedHeatmap() to allow greater customization of details. Note that many ... arguments are also passed to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap().


This function takes a list of normalizedMatrix objects, usually the output of coverage_matrix2nmat(), and produces multiple heatmaps using EnrichedHeatmap.

This function is intended to be a convenient wrapper to help keep each data matrix in order, to apply consistent clustering and filtering across all data matrices, and to enable optional multi-row heatmap layout.

See also


## There is a small example file to use for testing
#> Attaching package: ‘jamba’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:IRanges’:
#>     heads
cov_file1 <- system.file("data", "tss_coverage.matrix", package="platjam");
cov_file2 <- system.file("data", "h3k4me1_coverage.matrix", package="platjam");
cov_files <- c(cov_file1, cov_file2);
names(cov_files) <- gsub("[.]matrix",
nmatlist <- lapply(cov_files, coverage_matrix2nmat);

# sometimes data transform can be helpful
   transform=c("log2signed", "sqrt"));

# k-means clusters, default uses euclidean distance
nmatlist2heatmaps(nmatlist, k_clusters=4,
   transform=c("log2signed", "sqrt"));

# k-means clusters, "correlation" or "pearson" sometimes works better
   transform=c("log2signed", "sqrt"));
#> Warning: empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers

# example showing usage of top_axis_side
# and panel_groups
nmatlist2 <- nmatlist[c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2)];
names(nmatlist2) <- jamba::makeNames(names(nmatlist2))
for (iname in names(nmatlist2)) {
   attr(nmatlist2[[iname]], "signal_name") <- gsub("coverage", "cov", iname);
# top_axis_side="left"
# assumes 12x7 figure size
   nmat_colors=rep(c("firebrick", "tomato"), each=3),
   panel_groups=rep(c("tss", "h3k4me1"), each=3),
   ht_gap=grid::unit(4, "mm"),
   transform=rep(c("log2signed", "sqrt"), each=3));

# top_axis_side="both"
   panel_groups=rep(c("tss", "h3k4me1"), each=3),
   ht_gap=grid::unit(6, "mm"),
   transform=rep(c("log2signed", "sqrt"), each=3));

# multiple heatmap rows
   panel_groups=rep(c("tss", "h3k4me1"), each=3),
   ht_gap=grid::unit(6, "mm"),
   top_anno_height=grid::unit(0.8, "cm"),
   transform=rep(c("log2signed", "sqrt"), each=3));
#> Warning: empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers

# invent anno_df data.frame of additional annotations
anno_df <- data.frame(
rownames(anno_df) <- rownames(nmatlist[[1]]);
   title="k-means clustering across both heatmaps",
   k_heatmap=c(1, 2),
   ht_gap=grid::unit(6, "mm"),
   transform=rep(c("log2signed", "sqrt"), each=3));
#> ##  (12:31:46) 21Sep2023:   nmatlist2heatmaps(): Preparing ComplexHeatmap::draw(HeatmapList)