Make codon usage data.frame

codonUsage2df(file, ...)



path to the codon usage file


data.frame containing codon usage data, with colnames codon, frequency, and count.


This function imports a text file containing codon usage, and creates a data.frame with columns containing the codon, fraction, and count. The colname fraction represents the fraction observed counts per codon compared to the codon with the highest counts, for each amino acid. For example, an amino acid with only one codon would be c(1.0). An amino acid with two codons, with observed counts c(100, 200), would have fraction values c(0.5, 1.0).

The format is derived from published files, one example is included in the package extdata/Mouse_codon_usage.txt, which can be accessed using the command:

system.file("extdata", "Mouse_codon_usage.txt", package="farrisdata")

See also

Other jam codon usage functions: dna2codon(), jamCai()


codonFile <- system.file("extdata", "Mouse_codon_usage.txt", package="splicejam"); codonDF <- codonUsage2df(codonFile);