Intercalate list values into a vector




parameters are expected as multiple vectors.


vector of values derived from each input list ..., with one element per list in order. In the event any list is shorter than the others, its values are recycled so each list is equal length.


This function takes a list of vectors, and intercalates them by inserting alternating values from each vector to make one combined vector. It is analogous to shuffling a deck of cards, except that there could be more than two stacks of cards shuffled together.

See also

Other jam list functions: list2im()


A <- LETTERS[1:10]; B <- letters[1:10]; intercalate(A, B)
#> [1] "A" "a" "B" "b" "C" "c" "D" "d" "E" "e" "F" "f" "G" "g" "H" "h" "I" "i" "J" #> [20] "j"