Draw boundary around groups of gridtext labels

  groupdf = NULL,
  segment_df = NULL,
  realign = TRUE,
  adjust_center = FALSE,
  adjx_fn = c,
  adjy_fn = c,
  do_draw = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,



richtext_grob class as returned by gridtext::richtext_grob().


data.frame with one row per grob in g_labels, with colnames "x", "y", "overlap_set", "r", "r_unit", "border_col", "box_fill". The rows are grouped using c("x", "y", "overlap_set"). The "r" and "r_unit" values are used to define the radius and radius unit for the rounded corner. The row in gdf with the highest "r" value is the reference row, for the "r" radius, and the "border_col" and "box_fill" values.


data.frame with information about label groupings, with columns: overlap_set, counttype, type, location, roworder, label_df_rowname, name, childName, gdf_group. Importantly, it must be in identical row order as gdf.


data.frame with segment coordinates, optional.


logical experimental feature indicating whether to realign grouped labels, thus ignoring the hjust/vjust for each label, instead arranging the labels using groupdf. In principle, overlap label (set name) should be top-center, and counts should be centered below. When there are main counts and signed counts, they should be in two columns, collectively centered below the main label.


logical indicating whether to adjust the x-centering for a group of labels when adjx=0.5, using the total width of the group of labels. When FALSE (default) the label x-position is not adjusted, which assumes labels are already oriented properly with respect to the x-axis position. This option is FALSE specifically for two-column labels positioned around a fixed centerpoint, where one column could be wider than the other, and it would otherwise push the other column the other way.


logical indicating whether to draw the finished result in the context of the current open graphics device.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


additional arguments are ignored.


This function is an internal function used to take individual labels defined by gridtext::richtext_grob(), and creating grid::roundrectGrob() objects that cover each group of labels with one rounded rectangular boundary.

See also

Other venndir label: reposition_venn_gridtext_labels()