Venndir was inspired by gene expression data, which contains up/down directionality. Here are some examples showing how gene expression data can be used in venndir.

Generic example

The venndir::make_venn_test() function is useful to generate test data.

setlist <- make_venn_test(2500, 3,
  sizes=c(400, 500, 200),
venndir(setlist, overlap_type="agreement")

Venndir with limma results

The limma package provides an extensive set of gene expression data analysis tools. The steps below reproduce the Limma Users Guide example "Illumina Use Case" in Section 17.3. This example requires data available at copied to the current working directory.

For the sake of this example, the steps assume the data is located in a folder [HOME]/IlluminaCaseStudy, where [HOME] is the user home directory.

illuminadir <- "~/IlluminaCaseStudy";
do_limma <- FALSE;
if (suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(limma)) && dir.exists(illuminadir)) {
  do_limma <- TRUE;
if (do_limma) {
  targets <- readTargets(path=illuminadir)
  # import Illumina data
  x <- read.ilmn(files="probe profile.txt.gz",
     ctrlfiles="control probe profile.txt.gz",
  # define expressed probes
  y <- neqc(x)
  expressed <- rowSums(y$other$Detection < 0.05) >= 3;
  y <- y[expressed,]
  # calculate within-patient correlations
  ct <- factor(targets$CellType)
  design <- model.matrix(~0+ct);
  colnames(design) <- levels(ct);
  dupcor <- duplicateCorrelation(y,

  # fit linear model, paired by patient, with correlations
  fit <- lmFit(y,
  # define contrasts
  contrasts <- makeContrasts(ML-MS, 
  # fit contrasts
  fit2 <-, contrasts);
  # eBayes
  fit2 <- eBayes(fit2, trend=TRUE)
#> Reading file ~/IlluminaCaseStudy/probe profile.txt.gz ... ...
#> Reading file ~/IlluminaCaseStudy/control probe profile.txt.gz ... ...

The steps are straightforward except that this example uses a paired linear model. Nonetheless the results is the same, the resulting object is class MArrayLM.

The function limma::decideTests() applied adjusted P-value and log2 fold change filtering, and produces class TestResults which is actually a signed incidence matrix. Take a look at the output:

if (do_limma) {
  # decideTests() creates a signed incidence matrix
  fit2decide <- decideTests(fit2, method="global");
#> TestResults matrix
#>               Contrasts
#>                ML - MS LP - MS ML - LP
#>   ILMN_2055271       0       0       0
#>   ILMN_1653355       0       0       0
#>   ILMN_1787689       0       0       0
#>   ILMN_1745607      -1      -1       0
#>   ILMN_1735045       0       0       0
#>   ILMN_1659452       0       0       0

A signed incidence matrix can be converted to setlist with im_value2list(). Then call venndir().

The "im_value" refers to an incidence matrix with values (signs), and "2list" will convert to a list. The list returned will contain named vectors, where names are the item labels, and values are the signs.

if (do_limma) {
  limmalist <- im_value2list(fit2decide);
  venndir(limmalist, sets=c(1, 2));

A few features are noticeable:

  1. The limma contrasts "ML - MS" and "LP - MS" are shown in each Venn circle. The numbers in each circle represent statistically significant changes given the limma thresholds.

  2. There is fairly high overlap between these gene lists, 3,681 probes are shared, which is more than not shared 2,922 and 2,303, respectively.

  3. Almost all the overlapping probes are changing in the same direction in these two contrasts

    • 1,800 probes are up in both contrasts
    • 1,856 probes are down in both contrasts
    • 25 probes disagree in up-down or down-up direction
  4. Implied in #3, the shared probes are roughly evenly distributed between up and down.

Proportional Venn diagram (Euler)

The data can be drawn with proportional circles, otherwise known as a Euler diagram, or proportional Venn diagram.

For this diagram, we will plot sets=c(1, 3) mostly because these are more visually interesting.

if (do_limma) {
  limmalist <- im_value2list(fit2decide);
  venndir(limmalist, sets=c(1, 3), proportional=TRUE);

overlap_type “agreement”

An alternative approach to represent concordance is by “agreement”, which combines up-up and down-down into one summary number.

Use the argument overlap_type="agreement".

if (do_limma) {
  limmalist <- im_value2list(fit2decide);
  venndir(limmalist, sets=c(1, 2), overlap_type="agreement");

overlap_type “each”

Finally, you can represent all the directional changes using overlap_type="each".

if (do_limma) {
  limmalist <- im_value2list(fit2decide);
  venndir(limmalist, sets=c(1, 2), overlap_type="each");

Display item labels

It is sometimes interesting to show item labels inside the Venn diagram – but 3,600 text labels are too many to be displayed!

For the purpose of this example, we will filter statistical hits using a higher fold change, and more significant P-value threshold – just to reduce the labels.

In practice, examples with >3000 hits should probably never be labeled unless printing full size on a poster (and even then, with small font!)

if (do_limma) {
  # increase stringency of statistical filtering
  fit2decide2 <- decideTests(fit2,
  # convert to signed list
  limmalist2 <- im_value2list(fit2decide2);
  limmalist2 <- lapply(limmalist2, function(i){
    jamba::nameVector(as.vector(i), names(i))
  # display item labels
    sets=c(1, 2),
    show_items="sign item",

DIsplay item directions

The display of item labels brings up some potential benefits: it does indicate the relative density of labels, and relative quantity of up/down/mixed direction.

You can customize the item label so that it only displays the directional sign, and not the item. This technique may be good for higher number of items.

Use argument show_items="sign".

if (do_limma) {
  vo6s <- venndir(limmalist2,
    sets=c(1, 2),

Convert probes to genes

The first item label figure highlights an important issue: limma and similar analysis tools test the probes, not the genes.Therefore the results represent Illumina probes, which are not very helpful by themselves.

Fortunately in this case, the gene data is available in y$genes, so we can convert each row to a gene symbol. However there are multiple probes per gene symbol. For the sake of this example, we will choose the first of each gene symbol from the statistical hits.

There is another Jam R package function that may be helpful: genejam::freshenGenes(). This function takes one of more columns of gene symbols, gene accessions, gene identifiers, and returns the “best matching result” using Bioconductor gene annotation data.

if (do_limma) {
  # convert probe hits to gene hits
  limmalist2 <- im_value2list(fit2decide2);
  # iterate the hit list to convert to gene
  limmalist2g <- lapply(limmalist2, function(i){
    kdf <- data.frame(check.names=FALSE, i);
    # use gene symbol
    kdf$genes <- y$genes[rownames(kdf), "SYMBOL"];
    # subset for unique genes with non-empty value
    kdf_sub <- subset(kdf, nchar(genes) > 0 & !duplicated(genes))
    # make a vector of signed direction
    kdf_genes <- kdf_sub[, 1];
    # name the vector using gene symbol
    names(kdf_genes) <- kdf_sub$genes;
  venndir(limmalist2g, sets=c(1, 2),
    show_items="sign item",

Three-way directional Venn

The examples above purposefully used only two contrasts, because those two contrasts show very high concordance. An experiment design with three groups is quite common, and adding directionality for the third contrast can be confusing, and still useful. (See section below on interpreting three-group Venn diagrams.)

if (do_limma) {
    sets=c(1, 2, 3),

Comments on converting probe to gene

When converting probes to genes, I usually run a quick test to see if any genes have statistically significant probes that are “up” and “down” – I call these “bi-directional genes”. If there are no bi-directional genes, then choosing one entry per gene is reasonable. I leave this evaluation to the scientist, but please post an issue if you have specific questions.

For RNA-seq data, the input data matrix may already contain gene expression values – as when using tximport::tximport() with the argument tx2gene; or when importing featureCounts data where each row represents one gene identifier. In those cases, no conversion is required.

Interesting examples and how to interpret them

Three-group analysis

One common type of analysis involves three experimental groups. For example:

  1. Control group
  2. Treatment A
  3. Treatment B

The typical contrasts are:

  1. Treatment A - Control
  2. Treatment B - Control
  3. Treatment B - Treatment A

Nothing particularly unusual about the experiment design, nor the contrasts, these are fairly standard and straightforward.

When creating a three-way Venn diagram, the results are also fairly straightforward. When the directionality is included, it can be more confusing, but also potentially much more informative.

There are a few potential scenarios:

  1. Treatment A does not affect similar genes as does Treatment B. This result is seen with low overlaps.
  2. Treatment A affects similar genes as Treatment B, but not with any particular concordance.
  3. Treatment A affects similar genes as Treatment B, with extremely high concordance.