Convert factor to a factor label

  valuesL = NULL,
  types = c("count", "none"),
  aggFun = mean,
  digits = 3,
  big.mark = ",",
  itemName = "items",



factor vector


optional list of numeric values, where each vector has the same length as x. If it is not a factor, it is converted to factor, using jamba::mixedSort() to order the factor levels.


character value indicating the summary to use for the input factor x.


summary function used for each vector of numeric values in valuesL when supplied.

digits, big.mark

arguments passed to base::format() to create a suitable text label.


character vector indicating the name to associate to counts.


additional arguments are ignored.


factor vector with the same length as input x but where the levels also include summary information, such as the count of each factor level.


This function is intended to take a vector of factor levels and convert to labels using summary statistics. For example by default it will add the number of items for each factor level.

This function is intended to help create useful ordered factor labels that can be used in a ggplot2 visualization.

See also

Other jam plot functions: bgaPlotly3d(), gene2gg(), grl2df(), jitter_norm(), plotSashimi(), prepareSashimi(), stackJunctions()


x <- factor(rep(letters[1:5], c(2,4,3,2,1))); levels(factor2label(x));
#> [1] "a (2 items)" "b (4 items)" "c (3 items)" "d (2 items)" "e (1 items)"
#> a a b b b b #> a (2 items) a (2 items) b (4 items) b (4 items) b (4 items) b (4 items) #> c c c d d e #> c (3 items) c (3 items) c (3 items) d (2 items) d (2 items) e (1 items) #> Levels: a (2 items) b (4 items) c (3 items) d (2 items) e (1 items)