Print colorized text table

  dfcolor = NULL,
  dfinvert = NULL,
  dfjustify = "centre",
  header = FALSE,
  padding = 2,
  pad_type = 1,
  comment = FALSE,
  timeStamp = FALSE,



data.frame with content to be printed to the R console.


data.frame with R compatible colors in each cell.


data.frame with logical values indicating whether each color should be inverted TRUE so the cell color is applied as a background color. In this case the foreground text color is determined using jamba::setTextContrastColor().


character or data.frame passed to format() to determine the text alignment in each cell. When supplied as a vector, it describes each column of output; when supplied as a data.frame it describes each cell.


logical indicating whether to print column names at the top of the output.


integer value that defines the number of characters added before and after each text term to add visual space between adjacent cells.

comment, timeStamp

logical arguments passed to jamba::printDebug(), which indicate whether to print output as a comment (with "#" at the start of each line), and whether to include a time stamp. The default FALSE turn these options off.


additional arguments are ignored.


This utility function takes df as a data.frame input, and prints colorized text output.

Colors are defined using dfcolor provided as a data.frame.

Colors can be inverted using dfinvert that contains logical TRUE or FALSE values, provided as a data.frame.


df <- matrix(sample(head(colors(), 151), 12), ncol=3);
dfinvert <- matrix(sample(c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), 12, replace=TRUE), ncol=3);
print_color_df(df, df, dfinvert);
#>     darkolivegreen     darkorange3     dodgerblue3   
#>     antiquewhite3     deepskyblue4     chartreuse3   
#>       firebrick3       burlywood4      darkviolet    
#>         azure4        darkgoldenrod    chocolate3    

print_color_df(df, df, dfinvert, padding=1);
#>    darkolivegreen   darkorange3   dodgerblue3  
#>    antiquewhite3   deepskyblue4   chartreuse3  
#>      firebrick3     burlywood4    darkviolet   
#>        azure4      darkgoldenrod  chocolate3   

colnames(df) <- c("left", "centre", "right");
print_color_df(df, df, dfinvert,
   dfjustify=c("left", "centre", "right"));
#>       left                     centre                  right     
#>       darkolivegreen         darkorange3         dodgerblue3     
#>       antiquewhite3         deepskyblue4         chartreuse3     
#>       firebrick3             burlywood4           darkviolet     
#>       azure4                darkgoldenrod         chocolate3