Text Venn diagram

  sets = seq_along(setlist),
  overlap_type = c("concordance", "overlap", "each", "agreement"),
  set_colors = NULL,
  spacing = 5,
  padding = 1,
  inverse_title = TRUE,
  inverse_counts = FALSE,
  color_by_counts = TRUE,
  return_items = TRUE,
  unicode = TRUE,
  big.mark = ",",
  sep = "&",
  blend_preset = "ryb",
  curate_df = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,



list of item vectors; list of vectors named by item; incidence matrix with values c(0, 1) or c(FALSE, TRUE), or c(-1, 0, 1).


integer vector as index to setlist, used to pull out a subset of the list elements. This subset is useful because the set colors are defined for the full setlist, which allows the subset of colors to be consistent for each set.


NULL or character vector that contains R-compatible colors. When set_colors is NULL, categorical colors are defined using colorjam::rainbowJam(). When set_colors is defined, the values are recycled to the total number of sets represented by setlist.

spacing, padding

integer values indicating the character spacing and padding around labels printed to the console output.

inverse_title, inverse_counts

logical indicating whether to inverse the color, when inverse_title=TRUE then each Venn set is printed on colored background, when inverse_title=FALSE, each set is printed with colored text with no background color.


logical default TRUE, whether to return items in the data.frame in column "items". This argument is passed to signed_overlaps().


logical passed to curate_venn_labels() indicating whether the directional label can include special Unicode characters.


character passed to format() for numeric labels.


character string passed as preset to colorjam::blend_colors() to define the color wheel used during color blending operations.


data.frame or NULL passed to curate_venn_labels().


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


data.frame returned using invisible(), from the output of signed_overlaps().


This function is a very simple method to print a Venn diagram using text, intended to be displayed using mono-spaced font on an R console.

See also

Other venndir core: render_venndir(), signed_overlaps(), venn_meme(), venndir()


setlist <- make_venn_test(n_items=100, do_signed=TRUE)

# two-way Venn by default shows concordance
textvenn(setlist, sets=c(1,2))
#>    set_A  ↑: 13        set_A&set_B  X: 2         set_B  ↑: 6  
#>     26    ↓: 13             6       ↑↑: 3         10    ↓: 4  
#>                                     ↓↓: 1                     

# without signed directionality use overlap_type="overlap"
textvenn(setlist, sets=c(1,2), overlap_type="overlap")
#>    set_A           set_A&set_B           set_B     
#>     26                  6                 10       

# three-way Venn showing each signed directionality
textvenn(setlist, sets=c(1,2,3), overlap_type="each")
#>                                        set_A&set_B     ↑↑: 3                                       
#>                                             5          ↓↑: 1                                       
#>    set_A  ↑: 9                                         ↓↓: 1                          set_B  ↑: 6  
#>     18    ↓: 9                                                                         10    ↓: 4  
#>                                     set_A&set_B&set_C  ↓↑↑: 1                                      
#>                                             1                                                      
#>                 set_A&set_C  ↑↑: 2                                set_B&set_C  ↑↑: 0               
#>                      8       ↑↓: 2                                     0                           
#>                              ↓↑: 2                                                                 
#>                              ↓↓: 2                                                                 
#>                                           set_C         ↑: 1                                       
#>                                             6           ↓: 5                                       

# larger number of items
setlist <- make_venn_test(n_items=1000000, sizes=200000, do_signed=TRUE)
# text Venn with directionality
textvenn(setlist, sets=c(1,2,3), "agreement")
#>                                                    set_A&set_B      X: 7,975                                                   
#>                                                      31,988        ‖: 24,013                                                   
#>     set_A   ‖: 128,007                                                                                     set_B   ‖: 128,192  
#>    128,007                                                                                                128,192              
#>                                                 set_A&set_B&set_C   X: 3,557                                                   
#>                                                       8,054         ‖: 4,497                                                   
#>                         set_A&set_C  X: 16,069                                    set_B&set_C  X: 7,903                        
#>                           31,951     ‖: 15,882                                      31,766     ‖: 23,863                       
#>                                                       set_C        ‖: 128,229                                                  
#>                                                      128,229                                                                   

# basic text Venn with directionality
textvenn(setlist, sets=c(1,2,3), "each")
#>                                                   set_A&set_B     ↑↑: 11,990                                                           
#>                                                     31,988        ↑↓: 4,007                                                            
#>     set_A   ↑: 64,078                                             ↓↑: 3,968                                         set_B   ↑: 63,910  
#>    128,007  ↓: 63,929                                             ↓↓: 12,023                                       128,192  ↓: 64,282  
#>                                                set_A&set_B&set_C  ↑↑↑: 2,243   ↓↑↑: 757                                                
#>                                                      8,054         ↑↑↓: 766    ↓↑↓: 243                                                
#>                        set_A&set_C  ↑↑: 7,950                      ↑↓↑: 287    ↓↓↑: 756   set_B&set_C  ↑↑: 11,919                      
#>                          31,951     ↑↓: 7,902                      ↑↓↓: 748   ↓↓↓: 2,254    31,766     ↑↓: 3,918                       
#>                                     ↓↑: 8,167                                                          ↓↑: 3,985                       
#>                                     ↓↓: 7,932                                                          ↓↓: 11,944                      
#>                                                      set_C        ↑: 64,000                                                            
#>                                                     128,229       ↓: 64,229