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Convert list of vectors to data.frame with item, value, name


list2df(x, makeUnique = TRUE, useVectorNames = TRUE, ...)



list of vectors


logical indicating whether the data.frame should contain unique rows.


logical indicating whether vector names should be included in the data.frame, if they exist.


additional arguments are ignored.


data.frame with two columns, or three columns when useVectorNames=TRUE and the input x contains names.


This function converts a list of vectors to a tall data.frame with colnames item to indicate the list name, value to indicate the vector value, and name to indicate the vector name if useVectorNames=TRUE and if names exist.

See also

Other jam list functions: cPaste(), heads(), jam_rapply(), mergeAllXY(), mixedSorts(), rbindList(), relist_named(), rlengths(), sclass(), sdim(), uniques(), unnestList()


list2df(list(lower=head(letters, 5), UPPER=head(LETTERS, 10)))
#>     item value
#> 1  lower     a
#> 2  lower     b
#> 3  lower     c
#> 4  lower     d
#> 5  lower     e
#> 6  UPPER     A
#> 7  UPPER     B
#> 8  UPPER     C
#> 9  UPPER     D
#> 10 UPPER     E
#> 11 UPPER     F
#> 12 UPPER     G
#> 13 UPPER     H
#> 14 UPPER     I
#> 15 UPPER     J

list2df(list(lower=nameVector(head(letters, 5)),
   UPPER=nameVector(head(LETTERS, 10))))
#>     item value name
#> 1  lower     a    a
#> 2  lower     b    b
#> 3  lower     c    c
#> 4  lower     d    d
#> 5  lower     e    e
#> 6  UPPER     A    A
#> 7  UPPER     B    B
#> 8  UPPER     C    C
#> 9  UPPER     D    D
#> 10 UPPER     E    E
#> 11 UPPER     F    F
#> 12 UPPER     G    G
#> 13 UPPER     H    H
#> 14 UPPER     I    I
#> 15 UPPER     J    J

list2df(list(lower=nameVector(head(letters, 5)),
   UPPER=nameVector(head(LETTERS, 10))),
#>     item value
#> 1  lower     a
#> 2  lower     b
#> 3  lower     c
#> 4  lower     d
#> 5  lower     e
#> 6  UPPER     A
#> 7  UPPER     B
#> 8  UPPER     C
#> 9  UPPER     D
#> 10 UPPER     E
#> 11 UPPER     F
#> 12 UPPER     G
#> 13 UPPER     H
#> 14 UPPER     I
#> 15 UPPER     J