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sdim() prints the name and dimensions of list object elements, such as a list of data.frame

ssdim() prints the name and dimensions of nested elements of list objects, for example a list of list objects that each contain other objects.

sdima() prints the name and dimensions of object attributes(x). It is useful for summarizing the attributes() of an object.

ssdima() prints the name and dimensions of nested elements of list object attributes(), for example a list of list objects that each contain other objects. It is useful for comparing attributes across list elements.

This function prints the dimensions of a list of objects, usually a list of data.frame objects, but extended to handle more complicated lists, including even S4 object methods::slotNames().

Over time, more object types will be made compatible with this function. Currently, igraph objects will print the number of nodes and edges, but requires the igraph package to be installed.


  includeClass = TRUE,
  doFormat = FALSE,
  big.mark = ",",
  verbose = FALSE,

  includeClass = TRUE,
  doFormat = FALSE,
  big.mark = ",",
  verbose = FALSE,

  includeClass = TRUE,
  doFormat = FALSE,
  big.mark = ",",
  verbose = FALSE,

  includeClass = TRUE,
  doFormat = FALSE,
  big.mark = ",",
  verbose = FALSE,



one of several recognized object classes:

  • an S3 object inheriting from class "list", including a nested list of lists or simple list

  • an S3 atomic object, which returns only the length

  • a single multi-dimensional object such as data.frame, matrix, array, tibble, or similar, which returns only its dimensions.

  • an S4 object in which case it used methods::slotNames(x) to traverse the object structure

  • an "environment" object, in which case ls(envir=x) is used to traverse the object structure.

  • When the object is S4 that inherits "List" from the S4Vectors package, it will attempt to use the proper subset functions from S4Vectors via names(x), but that process only works properly if the S4Vectors package is previously loaded, otherwise it reverts to using methods::slotNames(x).


logical indicating whether to print the class of each element in the input x object. Note that for S4 objects, each element will be the object returned for each of methods::slotNames(x).


logical indicating whether to format the dimensions using format(...,big.mark=","), which is mainly useful for extremely large dimensions. This parameter should probably become more broadly useful and respectful for different locales.


character value used when doFormat=TRUE, used in the call to format(...,big.mark).


logical whether to print verbose output


additional parameters are ignored.


data.frame where each row indicates the dimensions of each element in the input list. When includeClass is TRUE it will include a column class which indicates the class of each list element. When the input list contains arrays with more than two dimensions, the first two dimensions are named "rows" and "columns" with additional dimensions named "dim3" and so on. Any list element with fewer than that many dimensions will only have values populated to the relevant dimensions, for example a character vector will only populate the length.

data.frame which describes the dimensions of the objects in attributes(x).

list of data.frame each of which describes the dimensions of the objects in attributes(x).

list of data.frame, each row indicates the dimensions of each element in the input list. When includeClass is TRUE it will include a column class which indicates the class of each list element. When the input list contains arrays with more than two dimensions, the first two dimensions are named "rows" and "columns" with additional dimensions named "dim3" and so on. Any list element with fewer than that many dimensions will only have values populated to the relevant dimensions, for example a character vector will only populate the length.

See also

Other jam list functions: cPaste(), heads(), jam_rapply(), list2df(), mergeAllXY(), mixedSorts(), rbindList(), relist_named(), rlengths(), sclass(), uniques(), unnestList()


   lettersDF=data.frame(LETTERS, letters));
#>           rows cols      class
#> LETTERS     26       character
#> letters     26       character
#> lettersDF   26    2 data.frame

LL <- list(L=L, A=list(1:10))
#>   rows class
#> L    3  list
#> A    1  list
#> $L
#>           rows cols      class
#> LETTERS     26       character
#> letters     26       character
#> lettersDF   26    2 data.frame
#> $A
#>   rows   class
#> 1   10 integer

m <- matrix(1:9,
#>          rows   class
#> dim         2 integer
#> dimnames    2    list
#> $dim
#>   rows   class
#> 1    2 integer
#> $dimnames
#>         rows     class
#> Rows       3 character
#> Columns    3 character