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lengths for recursive lists


rlengths(x, doSum = NULL, ...)



list or vector


logical indicating whether to return the overall sum of lengths. When NULL it will return the aggregate length of each list element in x. When FALSE it will return the same list structure of x, with the length of each. When TRUE it will return the total length of all elements in x as one value.


additional parameters are ignored


integer value, vector, or list:

  • When doSum is NULL (default) it returns an integer vector with length length(x) and names names(x), whose values are the total number of elements in each item in x after running base::unlist().

  • When doSum=="TRUE", it returns the single integer length of all elements in x.

  • When doSum=="FALSE", it returns the full structure of x with the integer length of each element.

The parameter doSum is intended for internal use, during recursive calls of rlengths() to itself. When doSum is NULL or TRUE, recursive calls to rlengths() set doSum=TRUE.


This function takes a list as input, and returns the length of each list element after running base::unlist().

See also

Other jam list functions: cPaste(), heads(), jam_rapply(), list2df(), mergeAllXY(), mixedSorts(), rbindList(), relist_named(), sclass(), sdim(), uniques(), unnestList()


x <- list(
      A1=nameVector(1:3, letters[1:3]),
         A1a=nameVector(4:7, letters[4:7]),
         A1b=nameVector(11:14, letters[11:14]))),
   B=list(B1=nameVector(1:9, letters[1:9]),
      B2=nameVector(20:25, letters[20:25])));
# default lengths(x) shows length=2 for A and B
#> A B 
#> 2 2 
# rlengths(x) shows the total length of A and B
#>  A  B 
#> 11 15