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Merge list of data.frames retaining all rows





arguments are handled as described:

  • named arguments are passed through to, with the exception of all.x and all.y which are both defined all.x=TRUE and all.y=TRUE. and all other arguments are assumed to be data.frame or equivalent, and are merged in order they appear as arguments. The order of these data.frame objects should not affect the output content, but will affect the row and column order of the resulting data.frame.


data.frame after iterative calls to


This function is a wrapper around except that it allows more than two data.frame objects, and applies default arguments all.x=TRUE and all.y=TRUE for each merge operation to ensure that all rows are kept.

See also

Other jam list functions: cPaste(), heads(), jam_rapply(), list2df(), mixedSorts(), rbindList(), relist_named(), rlengths(), sclass(), sdim(), uniques(), unnestList()


df1 <- data.frame(City=c("New York", "Los Angeles", "San Francisco"),
   State=c("New York", "California", "California"))
df2 <- data.frame(Team=c("Yankees", "Mets", "Giants", "Dodgers"),
   City=c("New York", "New York", "San Francisco", "Los Angeles"))
df3 <- data.frame(State=c("New York", "California"),
   `State Population`=c(39.24e9, 8.468e9),
mergeAllXY(df1, df3, df2)
#>            City      State State Population    Team
#> 1   Los Angeles California        8.468e+09 Dodgers
#> 2      New York   New York        3.924e+10 Yankees
#> 3      New York   New York        3.924e+10    Mets
#> 4 San Francisco California        8.468e+09  Giants

df4 <- data.frame(check.names=FALSE,
   CellLine=rep(c("ul3", "dH1A", "dH1B"), each=2),
   Treatment=c("Vehicle", "Dex"))
df4$CellLine <- factor(df4$CellLine,
   levels=c("ul3", "dH1A", "dH1B"))
df4$Treatment <- factor(df4$Treatment,
   levels=c("Vehicle", "Dex"))
df5 <- data.frame(
   Treatment=rep(c("Vehicle", "Dex"), each=3),
   Time=c("0h", "12h", "24h"))
df6 <- data.frame(check.names=FALSE,
   CellLine=c("ul3", "dH1A", "dH1B"),
   Type=c("Control", "KO", "KO"))
mergeAllXY(df4, df5, df6)
#>    CellLine Treatment Time    Type
#> 1      dH1A       Dex  12h      KO
#> 2      dH1A       Dex   0h      KO
#> 3      dH1A   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 4      dH1A       Dex  24h      KO
#> 5      dH1A   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 6      dH1A   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 7      dH1B       Dex  12h      KO
#> 8      dH1B       Dex  24h      KO
#> 9      dH1B       Dex   0h      KO
#> 10     dH1B   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 11     dH1B   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 12     dH1B   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 13      ul3       Dex   0h Control
#> 14      ul3       Dex  12h Control
#> 15      ul3       Dex  24h Control
#> 16      ul3   Vehicle  24h Control
#> 17      ul3   Vehicle   0h Control
#> 18      ul3   Vehicle  12h Control

# note the factor order is maintained
mergeAllXY(df4, df5, df6)$CellLine
#>  [1] dH1A dH1A dH1A dH1A dH1A dH1A dH1B dH1B dH1B dH1B dH1B dH1B ul3  ul3  ul3 
#> [16] ul3  ul3  ul3 
#> Levels: ul3 dH1A dH1B
mergeAllXY(df4, df5)$Treatment
#>  [1] Dex     Dex     Dex     Dex     Dex     Dex     Dex     Dex     Dex    
#> [10] Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle
#> Levels: Vehicle Dex

# merge "all" can append rows to a data.frame
df4b <- data.frame(check.names=FALSE,
   CellLine=rep("dH1C", 2),
   Treatment=c("Vehicle", "Dex"))
mergeAllXY(df4, df4b)
#>   CellLine Treatment
#> 1      ul3   Vehicle
#> 2      ul3       Dex
#> 3     dH1A   Vehicle
#> 4     dH1A       Dex
#> 5     dH1B   Vehicle
#> 6     dH1B       Dex
#> 7     dH1C   Vehicle
#> 8     dH1C       Dex

# factor order is maintained, new levels are appended
mergeAllXY(df4, df4b)$CellLine
#> [1] ul3  ul3  dH1A dH1A dH1B dH1B dH1C dH1C
#> Levels: ul3 dH1A dH1B dH1C

# merge proceeds except shows missing data
mergeAllXY(df4, df4b, df5, df6)
#>    CellLine Treatment Time    Type
#> 1       ul3       Dex   0h Control
#> 2       ul3   Vehicle   0h Control
#> 3       ul3       Dex  12h Control
#> 4       ul3       Dex  24h Control
#> 5       ul3   Vehicle  12h Control
#> 6       ul3   Vehicle  24h Control
#> 7      dH1A       Dex  12h      KO
#> 8      dH1A       Dex   0h      KO
#> 9      dH1A   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 10     dH1A   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 11     dH1A       Dex  24h      KO
#> 12     dH1A   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 13     dH1B       Dex  24h      KO
#> 14     dH1B       Dex   0h      KO
#> 15     dH1B       Dex  12h      KO
#> 16     dH1B   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 17     dH1B   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 18     dH1B   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 19     dH1C       Dex   0h    <NA>
#> 20     dH1C       Dex  12h    <NA>
#> 21     dH1C       Dex  24h    <NA>
#> 22     dH1C   Vehicle   0h    <NA>
#> 23     dH1C   Vehicle  12h    <NA>
#> 24     dH1C   Vehicle  24h    <NA>

# note that appending rows is tricky, the following is incorrect
df6b <- data.frame(check.names=FALSE,
mergeAllXY(df4, df4b, df5, df6, df6b)
#>    CellLine    Type Treatment Time
#> 1       ul3 Control       Dex   0h
#> 2       ul3 Control   Vehicle   0h
#> 3       ul3 Control       Dex  12h
#> 4       ul3 Control       Dex  24h
#> 5       ul3 Control   Vehicle  12h
#> 6       ul3 Control   Vehicle  24h
#> 7      dH1A      KO       Dex  12h
#> 8      dH1A      KO       Dex   0h
#> 9      dH1A      KO   Vehicle  12h
#> 10     dH1A      KO   Vehicle   0h
#> 11     dH1A      KO       Dex  24h
#> 12     dH1A      KO   Vehicle  24h
#> 13     dH1B      KO       Dex  24h
#> 14     dH1B      KO       Dex   0h
#> 15     dH1B      KO       Dex  12h
#> 16     dH1B      KO   Vehicle  24h
#> 17     dH1B      KO   Vehicle   0h
#> 18     dH1B      KO   Vehicle  12h
#> 19     dH1C      KO      <NA> <NA>
#> 20     dH1C    <NA>       Dex   0h
#> 21     dH1C    <NA>       Dex  12h
#> 22     dH1C    <NA>       Dex  24h
#> 23     dH1C    <NA>   Vehicle   0h
#> 24     dH1C    <NA>   Vehicle  12h
#> 25     dH1C    <NA>   Vehicle  24h

# but it can be resolved by merging df6 and df6b
mergeAllXY(df4, df4b, df5, mergeAllXY(df6, df6b))
#>    CellLine Treatment Time    Type
#> 1      dH1A       Dex   0h      KO
#> 2      dH1A   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 3      dH1A       Dex  12h      KO
#> 4      dH1A       Dex  24h      KO
#> 5      dH1A   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 6      dH1A   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 7      dH1B       Dex   0h      KO
#> 8      dH1B       Dex  12h      KO
#> 9      dH1B   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 10     dH1B   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 11     dH1B       Dex  24h      KO
#> 12     dH1B   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 13     dH1C       Dex   0h      KO
#> 14     dH1C       Dex  12h      KO
#> 15     dH1C       Dex  24h      KO
#> 16     dH1C   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 17     dH1C   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 18     dH1C   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 19      ul3       Dex   0h Control
#> 20      ul3       Dex  12h Control
#> 21      ul3       Dex  24h Control
#> 22      ul3   Vehicle   0h Control
#> 23      ul3   Vehicle  12h Control
#> 24      ul3   Vehicle  24h Control

# it may be easier to recognize by sorting with mixedSortDF()
   mergeAllXY(df4, df4b, df5, mergeAllXY(df6, df6b)))
#>    CellLine Treatment Time    Type
#> 22      ul3   Vehicle   0h Control
#> 23      ul3   Vehicle  12h Control
#> 24      ul3   Vehicle  24h Control
#> 19      ul3       Dex   0h Control
#> 20      ul3       Dex  12h Control
#> 21      ul3       Dex  24h Control
#> 2      dH1A   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 5      dH1A   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 6      dH1A   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 1      dH1A       Dex   0h      KO
#> 3      dH1A       Dex  12h      KO
#> 4      dH1A       Dex  24h      KO
#> 9      dH1B   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 10     dH1B   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 12     dH1B   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 7      dH1B       Dex   0h      KO
#> 8      dH1B       Dex  12h      KO
#> 11     dH1B       Dex  24h      KO
#> 16     dH1C   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 17     dH1C   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 18     dH1C   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 13     dH1C       Dex   0h      KO
#> 14     dH1C       Dex  12h      KO
#> 15     dH1C       Dex  24h      KO

# again, factor order is maintained
mergeAllXY(df4, df4b, df5, sort=FALSE, mergeAllXY(df6, df6b))$CellLine
#>  [1] ul3  ul3  ul3  ul3  ul3  ul3  dH1A dH1A dH1A dH1A dH1A dH1A dH1B dH1B dH1B
#> [16] dH1B dH1B dH1B dH1C dH1C dH1C dH1C dH1C dH1C
#> Levels: ul3 dH1A dH1B dH1C

# the result can be sorted properly
   mergeAllXY(df4, df4b, df5, mergeAllXY(df6, df6b)))
#>    CellLine Treatment Time    Type
#> 22      ul3   Vehicle   0h Control
#> 23      ul3   Vehicle  12h Control
#> 24      ul3   Vehicle  24h Control
#> 19      ul3       Dex   0h Control
#> 20      ul3       Dex  12h Control
#> 21      ul3       Dex  24h Control
#> 2      dH1A   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 5      dH1A   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 6      dH1A   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 1      dH1A       Dex   0h      KO
#> 3      dH1A       Dex  12h      KO
#> 4      dH1A       Dex  24h      KO
#> 9      dH1B   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 10     dH1B   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 12     dH1B   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 7      dH1B       Dex   0h      KO
#> 8      dH1B       Dex  12h      KO
#> 11     dH1B       Dex  24h      KO
#> 16     dH1C   Vehicle   0h      KO
#> 17     dH1C   Vehicle  12h      KO
#> 18     dH1C   Vehicle  24h      KO
#> 13     dH1C       Dex   0h      KO
#> 14     dH1C       Dex  12h      KO
#> 15     dH1C       Dex  24h      KO