Sample exon data GRanges with wide introns
GRanges object where each segment represents one
exon for an arbitrary gene. It has one column of values,
used for Sashimi plot preparation.
This dataset contains RNA-seq splice junction data stored as a GRangesList.
Intron and exon sizes are more consistent with mammalian gene structure, and are intended to demonstrate the challenge with visualizing exon coverage data on a genomic scale. See examples for steps to compress the intron sizes.
Other splicejam data:
# The code below is used to create the exon test data suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(GenomicRanges)); suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggplot2)); test_exon_wide_gr <- GRanges(seqnames=rep("chr1", 4), ranges=IRanges::IRanges( start=c(100, 10300, 20500, 39900), end=c(200, 10400, 20750, 40000)), strand=rep("+", 4), gene_name=rep("TestGene1", 4)); names(test_exon_wide_gr) <- jamba::makeNames(rep("wide", length(test_exon_wide_gr)), suffix=""); test_exon_wide_gr;#> GRanges object with 4 ranges and 1 metadata column: #> seqnames ranges strand | gene_name #> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> #> wide1 chr1 100-200 + | TestGene1 #> wide2 chr1 10300-10400 + | TestGene1 #> wide3 chr1 20500-20750 + | TestGene1 #> wide4 chr1 39900-40000 + | TestGene1 #> ------- #> seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths#> Warning: failed to set names on the unlisted CompressedRleList objectggWide <- ggplot(widedf, aes(x=x, y=y, group=id, fill=feature_type)) + geom_polygon() + colorjam::theme_jam() + colorjam::scale_fill_jam() + xlab("chr1") + ggtitle("exons (full introns)") print(ggWide);# Now compress the introns keeping axis labels ref2c <- make_ref2compressed(test_exon_wide_gr, nBreaks=10); ggWide2 <- ggWide + scale_x_continuous(trans=ref2c$trans_grc) + xlab("chr1 (compressed introns)") + ggtitle("exons (compressed introns)") print(ggWide2);