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Plot distribution and histogram overlay


  doHistogram = TRUE,
  doPolygon = TRUE,
  col = NULL,
  barCol = "#00337799",
  polyCol = "#00449977",
  polyBorder = makeColorDarker(polyCol),
  histBorder = makeColorDarker(barCol, darkFactor = 1.5),
  colAlphas = c(0.8, 0.6, 0.9),
  darkFactors = c(-1.3, 1, 3),
  lwd = 2,
  las = 2,
  u5.bias = 0,
  pretty.n = 10,
  bw = NULL,
  breaks = 100,
  width = NULL,
  densityBreaksFactor = 3,
  axisFunc = graphics::axis,
  bty = "l",
  cex.axis = 1.5,
  doPar = TRUE,
  heightFactor = 0.95,
  weightFactor = NULL,
  main = "Histogram distribution",
  xaxs = "i",
  yaxs = "i",
  xaxt = "s",
  yaxt = "s",
  xlab = "",
  ylab = "",
  log = NULL,
  xScale = c("default", "log10", "sqrt"),
  usePanels = TRUE,
  useOnePanel = FALSE,
  ablineV = NULL,
  ablineH = NULL,
  ablineVcol = "#44444499",
  ablineHcol = "#44444499",
  ablineVlty = "solid",
  ablineHlty = "solid",
  removeNA = TRUE,
  add = FALSE,
  ylimQuantile = 0.99,
  ylim = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  highlightPoints = NULL,
  highlightCol = "gold",
  verbose = FALSE,



numeric vector, or numeric matrix. When a matrix is provided, each column in the matrix is used as its own data source.


logical indicating whether to plot histogram bars.


logical indicating whether to plot the density polygon.


character color, or when x is supplied as a matrix, a vector of colors is applied to across plot panels. Note that col will override all colors defined for barCol, polyCol, histBorder, polyBorder.

barCol, polyCol, polyBorder, histBorder

character colors used when col is not supplied. They define colors for the histogram bars, polygon fill, polygon border, and histogram bar border, respectively.


numeric vector with length 3, indicating the alpha transparency to use for histogram bar fill, polygon density fill, and border color, respectively. Alpha transparency should be scaled between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque). These alpha transparency values are applied to each color in col when col is defined.


numeric used to adjust colors when col is defined. Values are applied to histogram bar fill, polygon density fill, and border color, respectively, by calling makeColorDarker().


numeric line width.


integer used to define axis label orientation.

u5.bias, pretty.n

numeric arguments passed to to base::pretty() to define pretty axis label positions.


character string of the bandwidth name to use in the density calculation, passed to jamba::breakDensity(). By default stats::density() calls a very smooth density kernel, which obscures finer details, so the default in jamba::breakDensity() uses a more detailed kernel.


numeric breaks sent to hist to define the number of histogram bars. It can be in the form of a single integer number of equidistant breaks, or a numeric vector with specific break positions, but remember to include a starting value lower the the lowest value in x, and an ending value higher than the highest value in x. Passed to breakDensity().


numeric passed to breakDensity().


numeric scaling factor to control the level of detail in the density, passed to breakDensity().


function optionally used in place of graphics::axis() to define axis labels.


character string used to define the plot box shape, see graphics::box().


numeric scalar to adjust axis label font size.


logical indicating whether to apply graphics::par(), specifically when x is supplied as a multi-column matrix. When doPar=FALSE, no panels nor margin adjustments are made at all.


numeric value indicating the height of the y-axis plot scale to use when scaling the histogram and polygon density within each plot panel.


numeric passed to breakDensity().


character title to display above the plot, used only when x is supplied as a single numeric vector. Otherwise each plot title uses the relevant colnames(x) value.

xaxs, yaxs, xaxt, yaxt

character string indicating the type of x-axis and y-axis to render, see graphics::par().

xlab, ylab

character labels for x-axis and y-axis, respectively.


character vector, optionally containing "x" and/or "y" to to indicate which axes are log-transformed. If "x" %in% log then it sets xScale="log10", both methods are equivalent in defining the log-transformation of the x-axis.


character string to define the x-axis transformation:

  • "default" applies no transform;

  • "log10" applies a log10 transform, specifically log10(x + 1)

  • "sqrt" applies a sqrt transform.


logical indicating whether to separate the density plots into panels when x contains multiple columns. When useOnePanel=FALSE the panels will be defined so that all columns will fit on one page.


logical indicating whether to define multiple panels on one page. Therefore useOnePanel=TRUE will create multiple pages with one panel on each page, which may work well for output in multi-page 'PDF' files.

ablineV, ablineH

numeric vector representing abline vertical and horizontal positions, respectively. These values are mostly helpful in multi-panel plots, to draw consistent reference lines on each panel.

ablineVcol, ablineHcol,

default"#44444499", with the abline color, used when ablineV or ablineH are supplied, respectively.

ablineVlty, ablineHlty

numeric or character indicating the line type to use for ablineV and ablineH, respectively.


logical indicating whether to remove NA values prior to running histogram and density calculations. Presence of NA values generally causes both functions to fail.


logical indicating whether to add the plot to an existing visualization.


numeric value between 0 and 1, indicating the quantile value of the density y values to use for the ylim. This threshold is only applied when ylim is NULL.

ylim, xlim

numeric y-axis and x-axis ranges, respectively. When either is NULL, the axis range is determined independently for each plot panel. Either value can be supplied as a list to control the numeric range for each individual plot, relevant only when x is supplied as a multi-column matrix.


character vector of optional rownames, or integer values with row indices, for rows to be highlighted. When x is supplied as a matrix, highlightPoints can be supplied as a list of vectors, referring to each column in x. When rows are highlighted, the plot is drawn with all points, then the highlighted points are drawn again over the histogram bars, and polygon density, as relevant.


character vector of colors to use to fill the histogram when highlightPoints is supplied. Multiple values are recycled one per column in x, if x is supplied as a multi-column matrix.


logical indicating whether to print verbose output.


additional arguments are passed to relevant internal functions.


invisible list with density and histogram data output, however this function is called for the by-product of its plot output.


This function is a wrapper around graphics::hist() and stats::density(), with enough customization to cover most of the situations that need customization.

For example log="x" will automatically log-transform the x-axis, keeping the histogram bars uniformly sized. Alternatively, xScale="sqrt" will square root transform the data, and transform the x-axis while keeping the numeric values constant.

It also scales the density profile height to be similar to the histogram bar height, using the 99th quantile of the y-axis value, which helps prevent outlier peaks from dominating the y-axis range, thus obscuring interesting smaller features.

If supplied with a data matrix, this function will create a layout with ncol(x) panels, and plot the distribution of each column in its own panel, using categorical colors from rainbow2().

For a similar style using ggplot2, see plotRidges(), which displays only the density profile for each sample, but in a much more scalable format for larger numbers of columns.

By default NA values are ignored, and the distributions represent non-NA values.

Colors can be controlled using the parameter col, but can be specifically defined for bars with barCol and the polygon with polyCol.


# basic density plot
x <- stats::rnorm(2000);
plotPolygonDensity(x, main="basic polygon density plot");

# fewer breaks

# log-scaled x-axis
plotPolygonDensity(10^(3+stats::rnorm(2000)), log="x",
   main="log-scaled x-axis");

# highlighted points
   highlightPoints=sample(which(abs(x) > 1), size=200),

# hide axis labels
   highlightPoints=sample(which(abs(x) > 1), size=200),

# multiple columns
xm <-, lapply(1:4, function(i){stats::rnorm(2000)}))
plotPolygonDensity(xm, breaks=20)