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Draw text with shadow border


  y = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  col = "white",
  bg = setTextContrastColor(col),
  r = getOption("jam.shadow.r", 0.15),
  offset = c(0.15, -0.15),
  n = getOption("jam.shadow.n", 8),
  outline = getOption("jam.outline", TRUE),
  alphaOutline = getOption("jam.alphaOutline", 0.4),
  shadow = getOption("jam.shadow", FALSE),
  shadowColor = getOption("jam.shadowColor", "black"),
  alphaShadow = getOption("jam.alphaShadow", 0.2),
  shadowOrder = c("each", "all"),
  cex = graphics::par("cex"),
  font = graphics::par("font"),
  doTest = FALSE,


x, y

numeric coordinates, either as vectors x and y, or x as a two-color matrix recognized by grDevices::xy.coords().


vector of labels to display at the corresponding xy coordinates.

col, bg, shadowColor

the label color, and background (outline) color, and shadow color (if shadow=TRUE), for each element in labels. Colors are applied in order, and recycled to length(labels) as needed. By default bg will choose a contrasting color, based upon setTextContrastColor(). Also by default, the shadow is "black" true to its name, since it is expected to darken the area around it.


the outline radius, expressed as a fraction of the width of the character "A" as returned by graphics::strwidth().


the outline offset position in xy coordinates, expressed as a fraction of the width of the character "A" as returned by graphics::strwidth(), and graphics::strheight(), respectively. The offset is only applied when shadow=TRUE to enable the shadow effect.


numeric steps around the label used to create the outline. A higher number may be useful for very large font sizes, otherwise 8 is a reasonably good balance between detail and the number of labels added.


logical whether to enable outline drawing.

alphaOutline, alphaShadow

numeric alpha transparency to use for the outline and shadow colors, respectively.


logical whether to enable shadow drawing.


character value indicating when shadows are drawn relative to drawing labels: "each" draws each shadow with each label, so that shadows will overlap previous labels; "all" draws all shadows first then all labels, so labels will always appear above all shadows. See examples.


numeric scalar applied to font size, default graphics::par("cex").


character applied to font family, default graphics::par("font").


logical whether to create a visual example of output. Note that it calls usrBox to color the plot area, and the background can be overridden with something like fill="navy".


other parameters are passed to text. Note that certain parameters are not vectorized in that function, such as srt which requires only a fixed value. To rotate each label independently, multiple calls to text or shadowText must be made. Other parameters like adj only accept up to two values, and those two values affect all label positioning.


invisible list of components used to call graphics::text(), including: x, y, allColors, allLabels, cex, font.


Draws text with the same syntax as graphics::text() except that this function adds a contrasting color border around the text, which helps visibility when the background color is either not known, or is not expected to be a fixed contrasting color.

The function draws the label n times with the chosed background color, then the label itself atop the background text. It does not typically have a noticeable effect on rendering time, but it may impact downstream uses in vector file formats like 'SVG' and 'PDF', where text is stored as proper text and font objects. Take care when editing text that the underlying shadow text is also edited in sync.

The parameter doTest=TRUE will display a visual example. The background color can be modified with fill="navy" for example.



shadowText(doTest=TRUE, fill="navy");

shadowText(doTest=TRUE, fill="red4");

# example showing labels with overlapping shadows
withr::with_par(list("mfrow"=c(1, 2)), {
shadowText(x=c(1.5, 1.65), y=c(1.5, 1.55),
   labels=c("one", "two"), cex=c(2, 4), shadowOrder="each")
shadowText(x=c(1.5, 1.65), y=c(1.5, 1.55),
   labels=c("one", "two"), cex=c(2, 4), shadowOrder="all")